Discover your Core Motivations with the Enneagram

Season #2 Episode #57

So a few years ago a woman in my neighborhood sent out an invite for a little happy hour at her house...with a twist. She had gotten very interested in a self-discovery tool called the Enneagram (prounounced any-a-gram) and sent a link for us to all take an assessment to find our "type"...then we all discussed our types, fears and motivations over a glass of wine. That was my first exposure to this tool.

Today's guest, Chelsie Engle, has a coaching business centered around this powerful tool and today, she helps us understand ourselves a little more deeply and identity our core fears and motivations through the lens of the Enneagram.

After years of infertility struggles, pregnancy loss, and fertility treatments Chelsie finally became a mama only to find herself in a state of postpartum depression and anxiety, and feeling lost and stuck as a new mom and working in a toxic and difficult environment. She needed help, which is when she found a therapist that was trained in the Enneagram. 

Chelsie now works one-one with clients helping them determine their enneagram type (in a Typing Session) and helps them explore a life on their terms using her 1-1 elite life coaching experience.

This tool can be used to gain greater insights to who we are as individuals, create a life that is in alignment with our core motivations and desires, recognize the healthy and unhealthy behaviors in ourselves and others and help strengthen our personal and romantic relationships through empathy and understanding of the fears and motivations of those who we are closest to.

Today, Chelsie teaches us that: 

  1. The Enneagram is a self-discovery tool that helps an individual discover their core motivations. It allows us to explore our actions and behaviors through this unique lens to determine if they are serving us in a healthy way or not.
  2. Our behavior and qualities should be seen as neither good nor bad, but rather healthy or unhealthy. Often, what we "loathe" in others are characteristics we don't see in ourselves.
  3. It's easy to get caught in between your fears and desires and feel like you're on a hamster wheel you can't get off of, however, awareness is the first step to understanding how to create healthy behaviors in your own life.
  4. A great way to identify your type is to ask yourself what is the best feeling in the world for me? (this will usually help you pinpoint your core motivation) and What is the worst feeling in the world for me? (which will help you pinpoint your core fear)
  5. When you recognize you are in stress, stop. Acknowledge what you're feeling (usually something linked to your core fear). Ask yourself WHY you are feeling this way? Finally, ask yourself what you need in that moment? I feel...because...I need... and VALIDATE. yourself in these feelings.

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Take the test!

 We'd love for you to take Chelsies free Enneagram assessment to find out who YOU are. When you do, leave us a review and let us know!

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